Monday, October 28, 2013

Autumn Favourites

So it's that time of year again when you start putting away the shorts, flip flops and sunglasses, and start pulling out the woolly jumpers, fluffy socks and hoodies. The Halloween decorations start popping up in shops, the leaves on the trees slowly turn orange and the sun starts to hide away behind the clouds. Fresh faced year sevens crowd the buses and that's when we all know that Autumn has finally begun.

This Autumn there are so many things I love and want to share with you guys! Feel free the comment your Autumn favourites. Enjoy :)

As you all know I am a mahoosive  shopaholic so I couldn't resist including some sneaky fashion faves in this post.

  1. I recently discovered an amazing online clothing site called TeeIsland through Amazon. They do a selection of t shirts, tank tops, sweaters, beanies and backpacks. The clothes they sell are really cool and unique, I could even go as far as describing them as "hipster" but I'm not going to do that.
  2.  Who doesn't love a beanie in weather like this eh? Not only do they look good, they keep you warm in weather like this and not forgetting the fact that they are life savers on bad hair days. I don't know what factor appealed to me the most, but I absolutely love them.
  3. Cold weather like this gives us the chance to bring the woolly jumpers out from hibernation from the backs of our wardrobes. I have grown out of my jumpers from last year, so I'm going to be on the search for some new ones. I recently brought one from One Republic which is really comfy and cute , but that won't stop me from wanting more.
  4.  Frilly socks are finally back in fashion. Praise the Lord! I love frilly socks because they look so cute and go with everything. Top Shop do a fab collection of frilly socks in a wide variety of styles and colours, so I couldn't resist buying three pairs, (there was a deal on guys, 3 for £8 don't judge).

I have to admit I haven't really bought much make up this Autumn, only a few items which really caught my eye.
Eos lip balm, one of my favourite lip balms I've ever had. I got the Strawberry Sorbet which comes in a pretty pink ball. The smell is absolutely amazing and I think I might be addicted to this thing. It doesn't feel sticky on the lips like some lip balms do and they leave my lips smooth for hours. I know they have been out for a few years now, but I only recently got my hands on one. The lip balms come in many other flavours so I am eager to get more.

  1. A few weeks ago my mascara, as they do, ran out, so off I popped to my nearby Boots. There I quickly found what I was looking for; the mascara isle. I always find it hard to chose mascara because you cant really test what they'll be like. Finally I chose
    Max Factor False Lash Effect Mascara. I've had it for a few weeks now and have come to the conclusion that it does what is says and that it was a really good buy.
Loads of new songs have come out that I like recently. I don't normally listen to pop music that's on stations like Kiss or Capital, but recently I've found that I actually like a lot of the songs they play. So here are my favourites.

  1. Two words; The Vamps. I could fan girl over these boys all day. Can we all just stop for a minute and admire them. They can sing and they are cute. What else can you want in a boy band? You see my point?
  2. I know everyone has their own opinion on Miley Cyrus, but can we all just forget this for one moment and  think about her song "Wreaking Ball". It is actually a great song if you remove her swinging naked on a ball chained to the ceiling, crying and licking a hammer.
  3. Macklemore has yet again pulled it out of the hat with his new song "Same Love". The lyrics are so truthful and inspirational.
  4. I have listened to One Republic for a few years now, and they haven't really had any songs out for a while, but suddenly. BAM. "Counting Stars" shot out of nowhere and flew straight up the charts. One Republic are a really good band, and I every single song of theirs, so imagine my excitement when that happened.
  5. I don't thing Jason Derulo will ever get old. "Talk Dirty" is such a catchy song, and I will never know how it has stayed in the charts without getting boring like most songs do.

Not forgetting it's Halloween soon, which is my second favourite season (Christmas is first). I'm not really doing anything this year, but that doesn't stop me from giving out sweets and carving pumpkins. If you're going out for Halloween, comment below what you're going as!

Hope you enjoyed this post, comment below if you like any of the things I've said or anything you recommend to me. Follow me on BlogLovin or just follow this blog (on the right) I always follow back :)

Isabelle xo

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