Saturday, August 31, 2013

bk 2 skl

This part of the summer is always the worst; its gradually getting colder, and you know at the back of your head that these last precious lay ins will  be envied in a few days time.

There's only few days left until I go back to school, *groan*. I'm really can't wait to see all my friends, and having a laugh with them, but I'm not looking forward to getting back into the schedule of getting up early and working all day. Who looks forward to that part of school? Plus its getting colder, and I have to get the bus. Nobody likes having to get on a cold bus, knowing they've got 9 hours of work ahead of them. There's also GCSE's to think about. Year 10 is when it starts to get serious. No more messing around. I've got to focus and work hard (as if).

This year had better go quick.
Isabelle xo

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My favourite You Tubers

For some strange reason I have recently discovered a love for You Tubers. I waste my precious childhood glued to my laptop all day watching fail videos, vlogs, fashion hauls and beauty tips. It was in fact a You Tuber (Zoella) who inspired me to start a blog.
I watch a variety of different You Tubers, but these are my all time favourites...

  • Zoella

  • Alfie Deyes (PointlessBlog)

  • Marcus Butler

  • Joey Graceffa

  • Tyler Oakley

  • Louise (Sprinkle Of Glitter)

  • Sam Pepper

  • Jack& Finn Harries

  • Tanya Burr

  • Janoskians

  • Troye Sivan

  • Joe (ThatcherJoe)

  • DollyBowBow

  • Caspar Lee

Comment below any of your favourite You Tubers, or any you suggest I watch. If you haven't seen any of the ones I've listed above make sure you check them out as it's worth it. :)
Isabelle xo







Monday, August 26, 2013

Day out~Camden Market

Hey guys!

Today I went to Camden Market in London. I've been there plenty times before, but they were years ago. It has changed so much since I was there last. It has become more touristy and family friendly, with London souvenir shops, cute shops for children and pubs and restaurants with outdoor seating. As soon as you walk out of the station, brightly coloured shops hit you. There are a range of shops from proper punk shops to vintage thrift shops and stalls selling an assortment of music and films to jewellery and watches.
While at the market you can also enjoy a wide range of food from various nations. You will find Thai, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Mesopotamian and many other cuisines. My family (for some reason) always go straight to the Chinese restaurants, so my Dad can haggle for a better deal.

What I Bought


I have to admit, I absolutely love Camden Market. It has so much variety there,

and is just so cool. I couldn't resist buying a few things, so hear they are...



 Me and my mum both bought necklaces from a beautiful stall in the heart of the indoor market. I've seen one like this in Spittle fields Market, but it was more expensive than this one. I got this for only £7.


The fashion at Camden at the moment seems to be printed tops. They were everywhere! I had a tough time choosing one, as there was so much variety. There where Starbuck ones, Obey ones, Moustaches, Peace symbols, Records, Boy London ones, and loads more. They were only £5. Bargain!

Todays Outfit

White blouse~Primark
Black leggings~New Look
Cardigan~New Look
Nike Blazers~JD
Isabelle xo

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Berlin Trip

Last month, I went on a 5 day school trip to the beautiful city of Berlin. We toured the city everyday, and saw many amazing things. By the time we got back to our hotel we were exhausted, but off course, us being 14 year old girls we didn't sleep. We sat by the window, sticking our heads out, trying to find German boys we could "test" our German on.

If you have ever been to Berlin, you would know that it is a very lively city, however not with the busyness of London. The bars and clubs attract many young people, and at night, the streets get slightly busier. Germany doesn't seem to have many cars around, but instead most people travel by bike. On every road there are cycle lines. To our surprise, they were not on the road, but on the pavement. This meant that you had to be extra careful not to wonder astray onto the path of an oncoming cyclist (which many of us some how managed to do).

The weather there was lovely, on some days well into 30 degrees, however, when you are walking non stop, it can be a bit too much.

Everyday we went to at least 3 places, which was quite tiring, as long as we all had our Red Bull we were okay. I saw so many amazing things in Berlin, and made so many memories I will never forget.

Reichstag building

                                         Reichstag building

Traffic lights in Berlin are so cute
                     Me in my green hat :')

   Reichstag dome
Inside the Reichstag dome
War Memorials
Spot Tamara :')
A German train
German souvenirs
Checkpoint Charlie & Museum
haus de Wannsee-Konferenze
Potsdamer Platz
Wall memorial bernauer strasse 

Out of every thing I saw in Berlin, my favourite thing I saw was the Berlin Wall. There was so much art, everywhere you looked there was something different. One of the main icons of Berlin hardly exists anymore. You can buy a piece in a souvenir shop (which I did) or go see the little remains near the Hauptbahnof and the Reichstag. The East Side Gallery is the largest open-air gallery in the world where the longest remaining section has been painted in bright, optimistic colours. To identify the west part of the wall, look for the colours. The east part is always grey. The murals that have been painted there are absolutely breathtaking and heart-wrenching.                                                    

(sorry about the hats, they were colour coded so the teachers knew what group we were in, I was in green, which I was SO happy about)
Isabelle xo

Friday, August 23, 2013

Ombred hair

Hello chums. Unless you've been living under a rock throughout summer, then you will know that "Ombred" hair and dip dye has been very popular. In very basic terms, ombre makes you're hair look as if it been sun kissed (depending on the strength of the colour) at the ends of your hair. Or that you're hair has grown out, leaving you with darker roots and lighter tips.

Last month, I decided to ombre my hair a golden blonde colour. I have dyed my hair plenty of times in the past including bright red (I was 9) so it wasn't like my mum wouldn't let me, in fact she done it for me herself. I chose ombre because it was subtle and i would get away with it at school, but mainly because it seemed everyone my age was dying theirs bright colours and i wanted to be slightly different.

I was inspired most my idol You Tuber Zoella, her hair looks amazing.

So me and my mum took a trip to Boots and bought L'Oreal Preference Wild Ombre No 1. There are 3 colour options. Ombre No 1 for Light Brown to Dark Brown hair, Ombre No 2 for Dark Blonde to Medium Brown hair and Ombre No 3 for Blonde to Dark Blonde hair.

It's a really straightforward kit that contains everything you need to get the perfect 'at home' ombre .
You mix everything together, part your hair into two bunches and bring it over your shoulders and then brush on the mixed products on to the hair you want to lighten and leave for between 25 and 45 minutes, checking half way. I left it on for the whole 45 minutes, so it went the blondest it could go.

You then wash is out with the shampoo provided and you're done, this is what it looked like...

 Isabelle xo


Hey guys! My name is Isabelle Lauder-Robb. This is my first ever blog, so I don't have a clue what I am doing (what a mug) so I'm going to start off with some facts about me.

  1. I absolutely love animals, my favourite animal is a goat
  2. At home you'll either find me glued to my laptop, or I'll have my head stuck in a book
  3. I am 14, mental age of a 5 year old
  4. Star sign is Leo
  5. I have 6 pets; 2 fish, 3 cats and an African land snail
  6. I cannot juggle, sing or act to save my life
  7. I am Hogwarts drop-out, although I don't expect you to believe me
  8. Most people say I'm shy, but it just depends who I'm around
  9.  My dream is to travel the world
  10. I am in love with all the British You tubers
Bye, will post a new blog soooon.
Isabelle xo