Saturday, August 31, 2013

bk 2 skl

This part of the summer is always the worst; its gradually getting colder, and you know at the back of your head that these last precious lay ins will  be envied in a few days time.

There's only few days left until I go back to school, *groan*. I'm really can't wait to see all my friends, and having a laugh with them, but I'm not looking forward to getting back into the schedule of getting up early and working all day. Who looks forward to that part of school? Plus its getting colder, and I have to get the bus. Nobody likes having to get on a cold bus, knowing they've got 9 hours of work ahead of them. There's also GCSE's to think about. Year 10 is when it starts to get serious. No more messing around. I've got to focus and work hard (as if).

This year had better go quick.
Isabelle xo

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