Friday, August 23, 2013


Hey guys! My name is Isabelle Lauder-Robb. This is my first ever blog, so I don't have a clue what I am doing (what a mug) so I'm going to start off with some facts about me.

  1. I absolutely love animals, my favourite animal is a goat
  2. At home you'll either find me glued to my laptop, or I'll have my head stuck in a book
  3. I am 14, mental age of a 5 year old
  4. Star sign is Leo
  5. I have 6 pets; 2 fish, 3 cats and an African land snail
  6. I cannot juggle, sing or act to save my life
  7. I am Hogwarts drop-out, although I don't expect you to believe me
  8. Most people say I'm shy, but it just depends who I'm around
  9.  My dream is to travel the world
  10. I am in love with all the British You tubers
Bye, will post a new blog soooon.
Isabelle xo

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